Best Match: Finlay vs. Matt Hardy (even with the ending.)
Worst Match: Mark Henry vs. Jobber
Best Non-Wrestling Moment: Undertaker Returns Promo
Worst Non-Wrestling Moment: Chris Masters looking for an opponent.
Rating (out of 8): 7.3
The Good
- Batista vs. Domino
Very good match. Batista got his revenge. Not much to say about it, but that's a cool picture up above! - Matt Hardy vs. Finlay
Really good match. Matt Hardy got some really good elbows in. Finlay tried to use Hornswoggle as a weapon, but then Jamie Noble came down and chased Hornswoggle away. I even kind of like the ending how Finlay went chasing after Jamie Noble to make sure he didn't hurt Hornswoggle. - Kane attacking Finlay and Finlay attacking Kane
This was a lot of fun to watch, both times. It's setting up nicely for a Kane vs. Finlay angle. An angle in which I think has a lot of potential. I love watching Finlay wrestle. I feel his in ring abilities are a lot better then he gets credit for. Kane vs. Finlay should be fun. I hope they continue this, unlike Finlay vs. Flair. - The Undertake Returns Promo
Awesome!!!! Just flat out awesome! From what I can tell it's not on YouTube yet, but as soon as it is, it will be here. It was really cool. - Torrie vs. Victoria
Not much to say about this. Victoria ended up winning then continuing her attack on Torrie Wilson until Michelle McCool came to the rescue... Barefoot... That's right... Barefoot. - Ric Flair vs. The Great Khali
For a match to prove how dominate The Great Khali is, it was a pretty good match. Khali using his new weapon, which I like, as a pinning technique I thought was great. They need to make some counter to Khali's head grip though. Otherwise it makes no sense. He has the wingspan so he could apply it at anytime, so what's stopping him?
- Mark Henry Squash
This proves nothing except that Mark Henry is good on the microphone. - Masterlock Challenge
Waste of time much? Then again, it always is.