First off, I would like to apologize. There really hasn't been much to write about of late except for the suspensions, and honestly. That got old fast. So I decided to hit the forums, find a topic I thought was interesting, and write a post about it.
The topic I found was who should face Jeff Hardy for the IC Title?
The obvious choice here is Shelton Benjamin, for a number of reasons. One of those being he is actually good. He is athletic, and actually good. There was even a sign last week in the background (on RAW) that said "Push Shelton". Now maybe that fan was instructing somebody to push Shelton of a bridge, maybe he meant push as in give him a major storyline.
This will even work out well with Charlie Haas being out of this picture, and yes, I couldn't avoid mentioning the suspensions. There everywhere! The main problem I have with this, is that the feud will have to last at least a month, at what point Charlie Haas will have returned. RAW really can't afford to lose another tag team.
The other person I think would be good for the job would be Cody Rhodes. Although its probably a little early to turn him heel, he could fill the shoes of "Jeff Hardy's Opponent" for a month or so. I don't really have a problem with this one at all. Especially since Cody has been showing good signs in the ring.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Who should face Jeff Hardy for the IC Title?
Posted by
Edward Ball
5:20 PM
Labels: Cody Rhodes, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin
Ladder Match Day 8: RVD vs Jeff Hardy Unification Match
Ladder Match Day 8: RVD vs Jeff Hardy Unification Match
Posted by
Edward Ball
5:17 PM
Labels: Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Rob Van Dam, Videos
Friday, September 7, 2007
Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy Ladder Match
Posted by
Edward Ball
11:28 PM
Labels: Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, The Undertaker, Videos
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ric Flair Retirement Storyline... Over so Soon?
So Ric Flair is out? Gone? Quit the WWE? Ric Flair quit the WWE?
He has been saying that this was going to be his last year in the ring. Everyone assumed that his retirement storyline would start later this year, and end at the Royal Rumble, or Wrestlemania 24. I would hope they were planning on making it Wrestlemania.
But apparently that isn't going to happen. Ric Flair has been absent from TV these last weeks, and apparently, his quiting is the reason why.
Ric Flair apparently quit the WWE because he didn't like his push. The WWE is trying to get him to cool off, and I haven't read anything about how that is going.
Also, I just read somewhere that he might sign with TNA. Actually, I read that it was "very possible". Bull. Just seeing Ric Flair and TNA in the headline made me click on it.
He apparently has started a business for life after wrestling, but also owes a ton of money to the IRS. He apparently has worked out a deal where the IRS takes a fraction of the money he makes, not all of it.
I hope the WWE gets him to cool down, and I hope he goes through with the rest of the year.
Posted by
Edward Ball
9:11 PM
Labels: Ric Flair, Smack Down
ECW Thoughts
OK, here are my thoughts. ECW... was interesting? I'm not sure how to put it exactly. CM Punk vs John Morrison for the ECW Championship to end the show was a good match... the rest? OK matches.
I'm gonna keep this short. Morrison vs Punk was very good. Morrison botched less moves then he usually does. I don't like CM Punks GTS, it doesn't look very real. Punk will probably hold on to this until Morrison gets back.
Then need 1 more superstar on ECW. I think that would be a good number. 1 some-what established one too, with Morrison leaving. Even with him though, I think they could use one. I thought it would be nice to put Rey Mysterio on ECW, but apparently nobody at WWE thinks like me.
Good luck.
Posted by
Edward Ball
4:58 PM
L:adder Match Month Day 5: Hardyz vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team Video
E-Mail me at
Posted by
Edward Ball
4:39 PM
Labels: Hardy Boyz, Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Matt Hardy
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ladder Match Month Day 4: Money in the Bank 2007 (WM 22)
Posted by
Edward Ball
5:51 PM
Labels: ECW, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Mr Kennedy, Raw, Smack Down, Videos
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Who is Mr. McMahon's Child Part 3: Things are Looking Up
Ugh! I know. Part 3?! But it must be done.
So our clue of the week is "Things are looking up". Well. What the heck does that mean? Here are our suspects.
- A dead wrestler? More then likely, no. When I say this I mean an Eddie Guerrero, not a Chris Benoit. This probably won't happen, but it makes sense with the "looking up" clue. Like looking up into heaven. Also, this doesn't go along with Stephanie saying that the illegitimate child is standing outside the ring.
- Snitsky? So tall you have to "look up" to see him. Lets hope not.
- Mr. Kennedy? When they say things are "looking up" (that's right, I'm putting "looking up" in quotes... whacha gonna do about it?) they could be referring to his microphone coming from the ceiling. But then again, BLOOD TESTS DON'T LIE!
- Hornswoggle? He has to "look up" at everyone. Maybe?
- Rey Mysterio? Same reasons as Hornswoggle, but this "bastard son" needs to be a heel.
- Elijah Burke? Possible... His 4 up could tie in with the "looking up'. Maybe. Of course that would mean more McMahon on ECW and that didn't go well the 1st time.
- Val Venis? This are "looking up"? Val Venis being the adult film star. I won't go into detail about what is looking up.
- or This is all just some joke by Triple H? I don't know, but someone mentioned it on some forum I read and I thought it was possible.
Posted by
Edward Ball
4:37 PM
Labels: ECW, Mr McMahon, Raw, Smack Down
Ladder Match Month Day 4: Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio
Posted by
Edward Ball
3:13 PM
Labels: Eddie Guerrero, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Rey Mysterio, Videos
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 Roster
Here it goes. This is from
- Bobby Lashley
- Booker T (this is from, so I don't know if they mean King Booker, or if they really put Booker T in the game and not King Booker.)
- Carlito
- Jeff Hardy
- John Cena
- JTG (recently fired)
- Mr. Kennedy
- Randy Orton
- Shad (also fired)
- Shawn Michaels
- Snitsky (really?)
- Triple H
- Umaga
- Batista
- Chavo Guerrero
- Chris Masters
- Edge
- Finlay
- Gregory Helms
- Kane
- Kenny Dykstra
- Mark Henry
- Matt Hardy
- Rey Mysterio
- Ric Flair
- The Great Khali
- and The Undertaker
- CM Punk
- Elijah Burke
- Johnny Nitro (again, from I don't know if they meant to say John Morrison or if they really put Johnny Nitro in the game.)
- Marcus Cor Von
- Sabu (also fired)
- Sandman
- Tommy Dreamer
- Ashley
- Candice Michelle
- Kelly Kelly (really? Maybe she will get a push as a wrestler soon.)
- Melina
- Michelle McCool
- Mickie James
- Torrie Wilson
- Bret Hart
- Mick Foley
- Rick Rude
- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
- "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
- Terry Funk
- The Rock
Posted by
Edward Ball
2:40 PM
Labels: ECW, Raw, Smack Down, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008
Monday, September 3, 2007
Do You Like Carlito's Haircut?
New Poll. Vote over here on the right.
Posted by
Edward Ball
11:18 PM
RAW Thoughts
So things are looking up.. eh? Who is Mr. McMahon's Child Part 3 is coming soon. When I wrote part 2 I was unaware of the hint.
But yea, RAW was very good, it will probably be the last good RAW in about 30 days. Maybe. Maybe not. We will see.
Anyways, Carlito got a new haircut. Ha! Everyone please, take a moment to laugh with me.
Jeff Hardy vs Umaga was a good match with a really weird ending. Did Jeff really get the 3 count by knocking Umaga off the top rope? I mean, later that night Triple H hit Umaga with a chair 3 times and he didn't fall over. I have no clue what is going on here.
Santino Marella I like as a heel. But he has to win some matches. Hopefully he will beat Ron Simmons. If he doesn't then he is just pointless.
Beth Phoenix shouldn't be allowed on the Mic. Just saying.
Both the Tag Matches were good. That being London and Kendrick vs Haas and Rodman, and Mickie James and Cody Rhodes vs Jillian and Davari (if I have the spelling right). Especially the 2nd one. Mickie James and Cody Rhodes work well together.
Triple H's match was fun, but shouldn't have been called a main event. You know, you could have had a checklist of all the guys who are going to be suspended, and one by one, they took them all out.
Regal was taken out by Cena. Umaga by Triple H. Santino by The Sandman. One by One. King Booker just wasn't there. I don't think anyone missed him.
So yes, those are my thoughts. I am enjoying this whole Mr. McMahon's child storyline more then I thought I would. So this is fun.
Posted by
Edward Ball
10:44 PM
Labels: Carlito, Randy Orton, Raw, Thoughts
The Great Khali vs The Undertaker Last Man Standing Video
Posted by
Edward Ball
2:37 PM
Labels: The Great Khali, The Undertaker, Videos
Who is Mr McMahon's Illegitimate Child Pt. 2
That's right! I said it! Part 2. Who is Mr. McMahon's illegitimate child?
Well, in case you have not heard the huge updates, Mr. Kennedy is NOT Mr. McMahon's Bastard Son! Isn't that fun? Especially when it is in bold. Let me rephrase that in bold again. Mr. McMahon's son is NOT Mr. Kennedy! See... Fun! This is all because Mr. Kennedy got suspended. So his whole deal as Mr. McMahon's son got dropped.
So we now need a whole new list of suspects. I'm not going to waste any energy saying it might be someone from Smackdown or ECW so here we go.
Triple H? Nah, probably not. That would imply that Stephanie McMahon's child was the result of incest, or is it step-incest, and I don't think that the WWE would want to go down that path, especially with all the bad press they are getting.
Shane McMahon? OK, so I am wasting energy being stupid, but so is the WWE... most of the time. Just play along for a second. We find out that Shane McMahon is adopted, but we also find out that the father is Vince McMahon. Eh, I'm mostly just writing this to make this article look longer then it really is.
Randy Orton? The Legend Killer? Legend Killer McMahon? Could it be? Is it possible? Am I asking to many questions? This one makes sense. Except if this happened, they would have to involve Cowboy Bob Orton. Who was released in 2006. If they went this way, and didn't use Cowboy Bob Orton it would be a mistake.
John Cena? His father is already involved in the storyline. It would be kind of neat. Except, that would mean even more John Cena, and we can't have that.
Jeff Hardy? At this point I am just naming names, but this isn't 100% crap. Mostly just around 83% crap.
Shawn Michaels? Well, this isn't going to happen, but I bet once the WWE decided not to let Mr. Kennedy be Mr. McMahon's father this name came up. The Undertaker didn't return at SummerSlam because the WWE currently wants to present the image of having an easy schedule. But recently HBK was apparently asked to come back a little early. Interesting.
Chris Jericho? Again with me naming names. This could be why the WWE has been talking to his agent though.
Shelton Benjamin? Let's hope not. Although still, perfectly possible.
(Let me pretend that this superstar can be on any brand for a moment or 2)
MVP? I think this is the only one on Smackdown it could possibly be.
Elijah Burke? Possible... not probable.
Alright, my guess is... ugh... John Cena... of course. If this happens, Cena will have to make a heel turn, or else it will make no sense.
Posted by
Edward Ball
12:33 PM
Labels: Mr Kennedy, Mr McMahon, Raw, WWE Drug Testing
Huge Mr. Kennedy Update (and other Updates as well)
OK, this is a bit of a spoiler, so if you are against these then shield your eyes.
Tonights RAW was recorded last night. During the show Mr. Kennedy came out and said that he is Mr. McMahon's child. Now as you all know, that is true. Mr. Kennedy is going to be Mr. McMahon's child. Or is he? Later on a lawyer, who apparently did a horrible job, came out and said DNA tests prove that Mr. Kennedy is not Mr. McMahon's child.
A few things on this. One. Blood Tests Don't Lie! There, I said it. Now there is no way in hell they can turn Mr. Kennedy into Mr. McMahon's bastard son. Two. This is all because Mr. Kennedy is getting suspended. Ha! Sucks for Kennedy! Actually, it really does. First he was going to win the World Heavyweight Championship, but that got scratched. Now this? Too bad. and Three. I just have to put this in bold. Mr. Kennedy is NOT Mr. McMahon's illegitimate child!! Moving on.
They (the WWE) is currently considering revealing that Triple H is Stephanie McMahon's husband. This is something I think they should do. It would be classic. Right after Triple H messes with Mr. McMahon. Mr. McMahon storms off, but before Mr. McMahon can make it back stage Triple H says to him... "By the way Vince, I married your daughter again" in his mockingly satirical voice.
Mark Henry signed a new contract with the WWE. Originally everyone thought he was going to retire so this is news.
Shawn Michaels (HBK) is against coming back early.
Chris Jericho may be returning. Jericho's agent realizes that with the WWE roster thinning out, Jericho has a huge leverage advantage.
The reason Cryme Tyme was fired is quite hilarious. See, backstage a lot of heat has been developing between Cade/Murdoch and Cryme Tyme. See Cade and Murdoch pulled a rib on Cryme Tyme so that when JTG got knocked out of the ring, he got counted out. However, that wasn't supposed to happen. JTG was supposed to get in the ring just before being counted out, but the official counted quickly and they were counted out. Cryme Tyme was surprised, but kept character and delivered their finisher to the official, then sold his belt. The problem was, that even though the official was wearing protection, he wasn't expecting the G9, so Cryme Tymer are the real-life bad guys. That is apparently why they were released.
That's right. Cryme Tyme was fired for not hurting someone. You know, if they would of just done steroids they could have kept their jobs
Posted by
Edward Ball
11:39 AM
Labels: HHH, Mark Henry, Mr Kennedy, Raw, Shawn Michales
Ladder Match Month Day 3: Jeff Hardy vs. RVD
This was for the Hardcore Championship
Posted by
Edward Ball
9:45 AM
Labels: Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Rob Van Dam, Videos
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Cryme Tyme Released
Cryme Tyme Released. OK, so 1st they fire Eugene, and now Shad and JTG. In the middle of a push of all things.
From what I have read, Cryme Tyme had some argument with Cade and Murdoch that got them fired. What?! I hope that isn't write, because I am home sick, and I would hate to hear that the WWE is firing people for no reason now.
Speaking of firing people, Eugene was apparently fired for violation of the WWE Wellness Policy. I always knew Eugene was on steroids. You don't get that buff naturally.
Also, Batista and Randy Orton are not going to be suspended. Randy Orton is not suspended, nor is Batista suspended. I hope that this is because that they have done nothing wrong, and not because that they are "too important" to suspend. Also, it is perfectly possible that they are delaying their suspensions. Anything is really possible.
Also, the feeling backstage at RAW today is that there is going to be more firings. But what do they mean? Well, probably that we are going to see more Mr. McMahon.
Speaking of Tommy Dreamer, he is now taking over the developmental territories. Apparently he's too old to wrestle. Too bad.
Sorry, I know this is like my worst post ever, but I am really sick. I'm going to bed. You may hear from me again today.
Posted by
Edward Ball
5:09 PM
Labels: Cryme Tyme, WWE Drug Testing
Eugene Fired/Randy Orton NOT Suspended/CM Punk
My God! I should not be allowed to be sick. I was sick all day yesterday, but at the end of the day, I went to go check my e-mail. My e-mail address is by the way, feel free to e-mail me. Anyways, checking my e-mail, and someone had sent me an e-mail asking if I had heard the news on CM Punk.
"That's right!" I thought to myself. I didn't actually say it aloud for 2 reasons. 1, it would mean I was talking to myself. And 2, I had a cold. So if I would have said it aloud it would have sounded like "Thastsed bwipe". So I just avoided the situation all together.
But what I was saying that's right to, was that I had forgotten that ECW and SD were being recorded on Saturday September 1st. I hadn't even thought about it. I had been lying in bed, and watching football all day so I was quite distracted.
So I went to go read the spoilers, and what do I discover. On the ECW homepage it is advertising CM Punk winning the ECW championship. I would say I'm shocked, but that would by lying.
Also, Randy Orton will not be suspended... apparently. This is probably good, but I hope his not getting suspended because he didn't do anything wrong, and not because he's vital to storyline right now, and losing him would be too much.
Also, after getting squashed by Mark Henry, Eugene was fired.
Posted by
Edward Ball
12:06 PM
Labels: CM Punk, Randy Orton, Thoughts, WWE Drug Testing
Smackdown Thoughts
OK, I don't have many thoughts here, so this will be quick.
Smackdown was great. Really. It was. The tournament thing was good, MVP and Matt Hardy were good. It was all good. The Masterlock challenge was a little lame, but then again it always is.
I really like MVP and Hardy vs. The Greasers. Also, MVP and Hardy as a tag-team I like. This should lead to a fun storyline. Also, MVP and Hardy vs The Greasers was a really good match. Everyone was on their game. Great!
As for Mr McMahon's child search I'm worried about. Mr McMahon says he's going to sue the mother of his bastard son if she doesn't come out and say who it is. That was last Monday. So this Monday will be week 1, and (apparently) if we don't know by the week after that, he's going to sue.
BUT! In order for the identity to be revealed, doesn't the kid have to be there? But with Mr Kennedy suspended, is that possible? No. I hate it when storylines lie.
Posted by
Edward Ball
11:40 AM
Labels: Batista, Rey Mysterio, Smack Down, The Great Khali, Thoughts
Ladder Match Month Day 2: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
Posted by
Edward Ball
10:00 AM
Labels: Bret Hart, Ladder Match, Ladder Match Month, Shawn Michales